Lets have a close look on the design of the leather half case for SONY A7C KAZA SONY a7c兼用本革カメラケース発表されましたので紹介します Place order now at : https://kaza-deluxe.com/shop/product/sony-a7c-series/
A video review of SONY A7C leather half case レザーハーフケース

Lets have a close look on the design of the leather half case for SONY A7C KAZA SONY a7c兼用本革カメラケース発表されましたので紹介します Place order now at : https://kaza-deluxe.com/shop/product/sony-a7c-series/
Coming up next…. KAZA is now preparing the leather case prototype for the SONY A7C, we already have the basic concept of the case set design. Do let us know what kind of suggestion do you have? Please email to: info@kaza-deluxe.com We hope we can make something good . To be continued… http://www.facebook.com/kaza.deluxe 富士フイルム…